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General Dentistry

Grand Rapids Dentists Dentist
How to Save Money with Preventive Dentistry
Preventative dentistry helps you save money because if an oral health concern is treated early on, it is often less expensive than when treated later. For example, a filling is less expensive than a dental crown when you need to...
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Oral Hygiene Routine for Healthy Teeth Dentist Grand Rapids, MI
Oral Hygiene Routine for Healthy Teeth
A standard oral health routine for healthy teeth includes brushing twice a day, flossing once a day, and using mouthwash once a day. These simple practices can help preserve your mouth from things like periodontal gum disease and tooth decay....
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Night Guards Dentist Grand Rapids, MI
How Do Night Guards Prevent Teeth Grinding?
Do you ever wake up with jaw pain? If so, you may have a condition called bruxism that causes you to grind your teeth at night. Many patients are unaware they’re grinding or clenching their teeth at night until our...
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