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Adjusting to Dentures: The First 30 Days

Dentures Dentists in Grand Rapids MI

Dentures Dentists in Grand Rapids MIIf you’re thinking about dentures as an option to replace a few teeth or an entire arch, congratulations!

Dentures are an effective way to restore the look and function of a natural smile. However, there is an adjustment period in which you’ll need to spend some time getting used to the feeling of having them in your mouth.

Our Grand Rapids dentists are more than happy to answer any questions or concerns you have. Here are a few things to keep in mind about the first 30 days with your new dentures.

How to Get Used to Dentures:

In the First 24 Hours

Like the name suggests, immediate dentures can be worn immediately after extracting teeth. If we need to extract teeth, our dentists may prescribe you pain relievers and antibiotics to take as directed while the site heals.

It’s important that you don’t remove your dentures during the first 24 hours, so the gums have a chance to heal. Your full dentures act much like a band aid during your first day, which is why you’ll even need to wear your dentures to bed.

After 24 hours, we highly recommend removing your dentures before going to sleep. That way, your gums have a chance to rest and stay healthy. Your gums were never designed to be covered by dentures 24/7, which is why you need to give them breaks.

Since the extraction sites will be sore, we recommend eating soft foods like:

  • Mashed potatoes
  • Macaroni and cheese
  • Soup
  • Yogurt
  • Applesauce
  • Jell-O

In the First 2 Weeks

Once 24 hours have passed since tooth extraction, you’ll need to return to our office so our dentists can remove your dentures. It’s normal to develop sore spots during the first few days of wearing dentures. You may also have more saliva.

Gum tissue contracts as it heals. For this reason, you may need to visit our office several times so your full or partial dentures fit comfortably. If you experience dental discomfort or pain while eating, we recommend supplementing meals with Ensure or another protein-rich drink.

In the First 30 Days

It takes time for your gums, cheeks, and tongue to adjust to wearing an oral appliance. However, after a couple of weeks have passed, you’ll notice fewer sore spots in your mouth and less saliva.

Don’t hesitate to call our office if you need your dentures adjusted. We’d be more than happy to set up a time for you to meet with one of our dentists.

It’ll take some time for you to get used to eating and talking with dentures. If you notice that you lisp while you talk, that’s normal. Try reading aloud from your favorite book and keeping a running list of words that give you difficulty. The more you speak with your dentures, the easier it’ll become over time.

Caring for Your Dentures

Take care of your denture teeth like you would natural teeth. For example, you’ll need to brush your dentures twice a day to remove plaque and prevent bad odor. Submerge your full or partial dentures in water or denture cleanser when you’re not wearing them, so they don’t dry out.

According to the CDC, 47.2% of Americans age 30 and older have periodontal disease. Don’t be one of them. If you’re wearing full dentures, you won’t have any natural teeth left. However, it’s still important to keep your gums healthy by brushing them twice a day.

Find Out if Dentures are Right For You

Contemporary Family Dental is dedicated to helping you maintain a healthy smile with the help of full or partial dentures. To request an appointment with one of our restorative dentists in Grand Rapids, MI, call (616) 209-3969.

This blog post has been updated.