bite splint instructions grand rapids mi dentistry

Most common signs or symptoms a bite splint is needed:

  • Tenderness of the jaw muscles.
  • Clicking or popping noise when one opens or closes the mouth.
  • Pain in or around the ear, sometimes spreading to the face.
  • Difficulty in opening one’s mouth or pain brought on by chewing/yawning.
  • Certain types of head or neck aches.
  • Chipped teeth or grinding patterns on teeth.

How does a splint help these disorders?

When the bite splint is in place, it allows your teeth to glide, but prevents you from clenching or grinding teeth forcefully, thereby giving your muscles time to relax.

When should I wear the splint?

Always wear your splint while you are sleeping. During waking hours, wear it as much as possible. The more you wear it, the sooner you will feel relief.

Are there any effects I should be aware of?

At first you will notice an increase in saliva. Within a week of regular wear this should start to diminish. Speech will also be a bit more difficult. That, too, will become easier with time.

How do I care for my splint?

When not wearing your splint, store it in its case.This will prevent losing or breaking it. Brush it with water and antibacterial soap using its own toothbrush. Occasionally, soaking your splint in Efferdent or any denture cleaning solution for no more than 5-7 minutes will help keep it clean.

When will I see results?

It may take a few weeks before noticing a difference in the relaxation of muscles and joints, and the relieving of headaches and neck aches associated with teeth grinding and clenching. With patience and diligent wear, results will occur.

Schedule an Appointment Today

To schedule your appointment with one of our Grand Rapids, MI, family dentists, call Contemporary Family Dental at (616) 209-3969 today.