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Contemporary Family Dental

Dentures Dentists in Grand Rapids MI
Adjusting to Dentures: The First 30 Days
If you’re thinking about dentures as an option to replace a few teeth or an entire arch, congratulations! Dentures are an effective way to restore the look and function of a natural smile. However, there is an adjustment period in...
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Grand Rapids, MI Dental Implant Dentists
Am I a Candidate for the Dental Implant Procedure?
Have you recently lost a tooth? If so, you may be interested in the dental implant procedure to help you smile with confidence. A dental implant is an artificial tooth root (typically made of titanium) that’s placed in your jaw...
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Dental Implants Dentists in Grand Rapids MI
Are Dental Implants Better Than Dentures?
Our dentists use both dentures and dental implants to replace teeth. Do you know what tooth replacement options are right for you? Each patient is different which is why it’s important to know the pros and cons of each. We...
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Grand Rapids, MI Invisalign Dentists
How Long Do You Have to Wear Invisalign®?
  Wish you could straighten teeth without traditional metal braces? Ask our Invisalign® dentists in Grand Rapids, MI if you’re a candidate for clear aligners. Like the name suggests, Invisalign are nearly invisible aligners that straighten your teeth little by...
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Invisalign Dentists Grand Rapids, MI
How to Care for Invisalign®
Invisalign® consists of nearly invisible aligners that gradually straighten teeth for teen and adult patients in as little as 12 to 18 months. If you’ve ever felt self-conscious of crooked teeth but aren’t a fan of metal braces, our Grand...
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Grand Rapids, MI Cosmetic Dentists
Improve Your Smile This Spring with Cosmetic Dentistry
After such a long dreary winter, one of the best things you can do for your well-being is enhance the appearance of your smile. Our Grand Rapids, MI, cosmetic dentists understand that your smile says a lot about your personality,...
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Invisalign Dentists in Grand Rapids, MI
Pros and Cons of Invisalign®
It’s never too late to straighten your teeth with Invisalign®. If you’re interested in achieving a straighter smile, request a consultation with one of our Invisalign dentists in Grand Rapids, MI. Like the name suggests, Invisalign are nearly invisible aligners...
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Tooth Replacement Dentists in Grand Rapids, MI
What Happens If You Don’t Replace Missing Teeth?
Your teeth are held in place by tooth roots, jawbone tissue, gums, and other teeth. Once you lose one tooth, your risk of further tooth loss increases significantly. This can lead to reduced self-confidence and other complications down the road....
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Dental Benefits Dentists Grand Rapids MI
Use Your Dental Benefits in the New Year
For the new year you need to consider things like your dental insurance renewal, your annual maximum for dental insurance, how deductibles will work, what’s considered preventative dentistry, and more depending on your insurance. One of the most common New...
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Children's Dental Health Pediatric Dentist Grand Rapids MI
February is National Children’s Dental Health Month
Did you know February is National Children’s Dental Health Month? Our team of dentists is dedicated to helping you and your children maintain dental health. Our Grand Rapids dentists want to help you and your child understand the importance of...
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